Support your Pennsylvania Chamber Orchestra!
The PCO relies on the generosity of many individuals and organizations to bring you each season of incredible music performed by our extraordinary musicians.
There are many ways to support the PCO including:
Direct donation: You can make a donation online by clicking the donation button below, or you can mail a check (payable to PCO) to the orchestra office (119 S Fraser St. Suite D, State College, PA 16801) and we'll turn your contribution into beautiful music and inspiring educational outreach programs!
Sponsorship: You might also consider sponsoring a concert, a musician, parking, a reception, or more. For a complete list of sponsorship opportunities please click here.
Thank you for your support!
The Pennsylvania Chamber Orchestra is supported by many individuals across the Centre Region and has been since it's inception in 1991. As with all non-profit orchestras across the United States the income from ticket sales covers less than 20% of the cost of presenting concerts. Though there is some support from the Happy Valley Adventure Bureau and the PA Council on the Arts, the greatest portion of funding for the orchestra is provided by individuals like you.
PCO is a 501(C)(3) non-profit corporation and your contribution is tax deductible.